Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beard, No Hair

The barber (the same one from last week, though he didn't recognize me) shaved off about 75% of my hair, and cut the front with scissors. I wondered if he thought, "Geez, this guy just got a haircut." And I thought how funny it'd be if he was like, "And, God, whoever did it was terrible."

He was more conservative with the front, and though I thought it looked pretty good, it wasn't short enough. And really, the purpose of this haircut was to have something different, not something that looks good. Also, my hair grows like a weed so I figured it'd hit this stage of looking good in a week or three.

I had him keep going, then thought, "Eep, that's a little too short," but the mission was accomplished.

And how does it look? I think I look like a weird GI Joe with a skinny head and a beard. And my gray hairs are a lot more noticeable. And the sides are so short it's like baby bear fuzz instead of human hair.

But I like it!

If I get into a fight, no one's gonna be able to grab me by my luscious locks and slam me into the concrete, that's for sure.

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