Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting to Gnome Me

(Out of all the gnome puns out there - and believe me, there are a lot - this was the one I chose for my entry title.)

Dragon*Con is a week and a half away, and my suitcase is pretty packed. In addition to bringing along Cakey, I've got a priest uniform (not a costume, an actual outfit bought from a Catholic supplier), a Ghostbusters uniform (courtesy of my friend Adam), and the Slytherin uniform I haven't worn since that glorious night when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released.

Wow, that paragraph makes me seem like a really cool dude. Who am I? A really cool dude, that's who.

Last night, I got my final costume, a blue shirt/brown pants ensemble from Museum Replicas Limited that's intended for a gnome costume (I already have a red conical hat that my friend Heather knitted me last Christmas).

Now I love costumes. This should be clear. I love 'em! Any show that lets me wear a costume immediately has my interest, and my closet boasts quite a collection from all the shoots and shows I've done over the years.

But this gnome costume... it's pretty dorky. And yes, I am aware of how ridiculous that sounds, considering I think a Ghostbusters uniform to be totally awesome and appropriate. But for the first time in my life, I'm thinking, "Is this too much?"

I don't know, maybe it's the fact that it's a bit too baggy, or that the shirt is a bit too sky blue (I was hoping for something a little deeper), but it doesn't look right. Or maybe I just need to wash it to get that "new costume" crispness out, try it on with the hat, belt and satchel, and then see.

Oh, but I have no intention of wearing a beard. That's DEFINITELY too much.


  1. What color is the belt?

  2. Brown, of course. To match the pants.

  3. I have to say, of all the costumes I've worn for Halloween, the garden gnome was one of the absolute easiest and most comfortable. I felt really UN-dorky in it, actually, which is surprising. When surrounded by all sorts at Dragon*Con, I'm sure you'll be fine.

    PS - It's funny to call the priest clothing a "uniform." My dad always just calls his black shirts his "clericals."
