Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Year of Yes Paradox

It's hard to remember that Year of Yes doesn't necessary mean saying yes to everything. Like the blog subtitle says, it's mostly about avoiding the regret of missing out on a funzo experience.


There's also times like last night.

I'll skip the backstory (which involves eating three bowls of Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops and performing a Harold), but it ends with me a bit hungover and tired this morning, thinking, "Should I have gone to the bar last night, or should I have just gone home?"

What do you say yes to?

I had some reasons for going out: I never go out after a show, never, so why not? And I wanted to talk business with my friend Molly (hopefully, this will be elaborated on in a future post).

And I had some reasons for going home: Home has sleep and shower and Chocolate Peanut Butter Pops.

But I went to the bar, figuring I'd just walk there with Molly, then catch a cab or subway home.

Once inside, rather than get one drink (as we both previously decided), we split a pitcher, instead. As my team's coach Jackie once sarcastically said, "Why eat one bowl of sugar cereal when you can eat the whole box and then die?"

So... Year of Yes?

In the long run, it doesn't matter much. Either choice would be fine. It's either a bit of a hangover plus a decent time or going home, staying up too late playing computer, and not getting my mind blown by finding out about the upcoming Dragonball live-action movie starring Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer as Piccolo.

That movie's gonna be ridiculous.

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