Thursday, February 7, 2008

Sleep Regimen: Day Four

Heather summarized yesterday's post like this...

"After three days of going to bed at a reasonable hour and NOT engaging in a silly song-and-dance with my alarm, I woke up today and...still don't feel like a completely changed person. That seals it for me; there is ABSOLUTELY NO MERIT to this whole sleep schedule thing. Also, I am cantankerous and old."

Well said, Heather!

It bears mentioning that this week has seen less headaches at work and less being tired in the late afternoon/early evening. I have to admit that there's the slightest possibility that this might be due to my change in sleeping habits.

Also, today was the first day I didn't wake up totally tired. In fact, I kind of woke up like, "I'm done sleeping and am ready to start my day!" Only not that chipper. I guess it was more like, "I'm ready. Let's get this over with."

So I guess there's been some progress.

Maybe instead of doing this for two weeks, I'll stick with it for Lent. That'd be something. (I'm mostly thinking this so I don't have to give up any of my good vices.)