(The first half of this entry's title... it's from something, right? I didn't make it up, but can't quite place where it's from.)
Winter = beard. Especially when I'm funemployed. I haven't shaved since... right around Thanksgiving, in fact, when my 90-year-old grandfather would sarcastically ask me about my horrible, unshaven face every few minutes.
I always go two ways about the beard (much as I'll go two ways about its dreaded relative, the moustache). Sometimes I don't mind it, since I don't have to look at myself 24 hours a day. But then when I see photos like this one from New Year's Eve, I cringe.

Ugh, I look like Sinbad (the Sailor, not the Comedian). Or Bluto. Or some cartoon hobo man. You see what you white devils do to us vaguely ethnic types? We end up feeling bad about ourselves because we aren't all pink and hairless. But remember this, you European a-holes: We Filipinos killed Magellan. He didn't make it around the world, he died at the hands of Lapu-Lapu!
Anyway, then I thought, "Maybe the beard just doesn't match the hairstyle," since I've basically had the same hair since I was nine years old, except for that brief attempt last year. The picture above, in which I'm wearing a hat, would seem to refute this beard/hair theory, but come on, it's Another Year of Yes!
And I can't stop thinking about just shaving my head. I haven't done it since right before getting my passport picture taken (over a decade ago), and I'm curious how it would look. Not entirely shaved, mind you, just super short, the same length as my bristles.
Then I'll see how much will grow back by the end of June, when I can make myself look all fancy-like for my brother's wedding.
Last week, I went to the barber for a pre-New Year's Eve haircut, but he totally didn't do what I had asked (I wanted a teeny-tiny trim, since I was "growing out" my hair, but he gave me a normal haircut, undoing months of effort). And so I can either stick with more of the same, or I can elect change.
So unless I take a nap today and end up doing something else, I might revisit the barber and Yes Definitely it up.